The sisters of chi alpha delta invite you to our Fall 2024 Recruitment: Love Chisland!
come join us for a week full of sisterhood, fun games, and prizes!

here are our rush events:

1. INFO NIGHT: opening night
Wednesday 04/02/25

2. Social Night: toast to chis
Friday 04/04/25

3. Garden Party: xoxo 96 years of sisterhood
Saturday 04/05/25

our rush events include:

Social Night: Splash of sisterhood

09/26/24 Thursday
6:00 PM PDT

Explore Chis and the Asian Greek community with our fraternity brothers from all over Southern California!

INFO NIGHT: Meet the chilanders

09/24/24 Tuesday
5:30 PM PDT

Learn about our sisterhood in a fun-filled afternoon with games, food, and prizes!

Garden Party: Shellebrating 96 years

09/28/24 Saturday
11:00 AM PDT

Deep dive into our history and sisterhood with Chi alumna!

Message from the Pledge Mistress

When I first started at UCLA, I never would have pictured myself joining a sorority. It never seemed like an experience I would fit into and was not something I had given any thought into. However, all of this changed the day I got flyered on Bruin Walk. I found myself getting intrigued about the idea and decided to step outside of my comfort zone by attending one of the rush events. I instantly fell in love, and after meeting all of the girls, I knew this sisterhood was something I wanted to be a part of.

Joining Chis has given me the opportunity to find my home away from home, my support system, and my lifelong friends. From late night study sessions and talks, to spontaneous adventures, I’ve made some of my best memories with these girls. Being a part of this sisterhood has truly enriched my college experience, and I am forever grateful to have met such remarkable individuals.

With all of that being said, I’m incredibly thrilled to be the new pledge mistress for spring ‘24! My aim is to be a constant source of support, guidance, and encouragement for my new kiddos. Whether it’s offering advice, being a listening ear, or simply being a friend, I promise to be here for you every step of the way. My greatest hope is that you all will have the same great experience I have had, not only creating lifelong friendships & memories, but finding a true sense of belonging within our sisterhood <3


Taylor Vu

Bluejay Class